3 research outputs found

    Numerical study using finite element method for the thermal response of fiber specklegram sensors with changes in the length of the sensing zone

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    The response of fiber specklegram sensors (FSSs) is given as function of variations in the intensity distribution of the modal interference pattern or speckle pattern induced by external disturbances. In the present work, the behavior of a FSS sensing scheme under thermal perturbations is studied by means of computational simulations of the speckle patterns. These simulations are generated by applying the finite element method (FEM) to the modal interference in optical fibers as a function of the thermal disturbance and the length of the sensing zone. A correlation analysis is performed on the images generated in the simulations to evaluate the dependence between the changes in the speckle pattern grains and the intensity of the applied disturbance. The numerical simulation shows how the building characteristic of the length of sensing zone, combined with image processing, can be manipulated to control the metrological performance of the sensors.This work was partially funded by the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (grant P20215), the Politécnico Jaime Isaza Cadavid (grant 2020/00132/001) and the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia (grant INV2903). Y.A. Vélez also thanks the support given to her by the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano through its program of young researchers

    Specklegramas de fibra óptica analizados mediante procesamiento digital de imágenes

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    Diseño, aplicación y validación de Metodología para medir y valorar capacidades de generación, uso y transferencia de conocimiento en Instituciones de Educación Superior en un país en vía de desarrollo

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    La tesis tiene como objetivo Diseñar, aplicar y validar una metodología para medir y valorar las capacidades de generación, uso y transferencia de conocimiento en Instituciones de Educación Superior en un país en vía de desarrollo, encaminado a caracterizar dichos procesos en una Institución Universitaria en Medellín. Esta metodología será validada en el Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano-ITM. El desarrollo de la propuesta pretende hacer una contribución a la Gestión del Conocimiento presentando una metodología, tomando como base los modelos teóricos existentes en otras organizaciones. Para ello se parte del antecedente de que “lo que se puede medir, se puede gestionar”; es decir: formalizar una metodología que permita medir y valorar capacidades de generación, uso y transferencia de conocimiento en organizaciones educativas, caracterizando los procesos que componen y estructuran los sistemas soportes de este tipo de organizaciones Colombianas con el fin de definir una metodología apropiada y que genere los resultados esperadosThe thesis aims to design, implement and validate a methodology to measure and evaluate the capabilities of generation, use and transfer of knowledge in higher education institutions in developing country aimed at characterizing these processes in a University Institution in Medellin. This methodology will be validated at the Institute Technological Metropolitan-ITM. The development of the proposal aims to make a contribution to knowledge management by presenting a methodology, based on existing theoretical models in other organizations. For it is part of the history of that "what gets measured can be managed"; is formalize a methodology to measure and value generation capacity, use and transfer of knowledge in educational organizations, characterizing the processes that compose and structure supports systems such Colombian organizations in order to define an appropriate methodology and generate the expected results. The development of this proposal is given in the absence of reference to evaluate a methodology for the generation, use and transfer of knowledge in the institutions mentioned in countries in the developing world, in order to improve the competitiveness levels so that they can projected in Teaching, research and extension, with levels adjusted today's competitive market, positioning as entities recognized for their high-quality research both nationally and internationallyMaestría en Gestión de la Innovación Tecnológica, Cooperación y Desarrollo Regiona